Adithya Kulkarni

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Welcome to Adithya Kulkarni’s homepage

I am a fourth year Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University. I am working as a Research Assistant at the Data Mining and Knowledge Lab. My supervisor is Dr. Qi Li. Also, I have worked as an intern at Epsilon. My research interests are in the domain of information extraction using weak supervision, review analysis, data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning. Through my research, I have contributed several key methods in top conferences and workshops like ACL’ 2023, UAI’ 2023, SIGKDD’ 2022, SDM’2022, ICDM’2021 and EMNLP Findings’2020.


Mohna Chakraborty*, Adithya Kulkarni*, and Qi Li. Zero-shot Approach to Overcome Perturbation Sensitivity of Prompts, ACL, 2023 [paper]

Adithya Kulkarni, Mohna Chakraborty and Qi Li. Optimal Budget Allocation for Crowdsourcing Labels for Graphs, UAI, 2023 [paper]

Mohna Chakraborty, Adithya Kulkarni* , and Qi Li. Open-Domain Aspect-Opinion Co-Mining with Double-Layer Span Extraction, SIGKDD, 2022: [paper]

Adithya Kulkarni* , Nasim Sabetpour
, and Qi Li. CPTAM: Constituency Parse Tree Aggregation Method, SDM, 2022: [paper]

Nasim Sabetpour*, Adithya Kulkarni* , and Qi Li. Truth discovery in sequence labels from crowds, ICDM, 2021 [paper]

Nasim Sabetpour , Adithya Kulkarni, and Qi Li. OptSLA: an Optimization-Based Approach for Sequential Label Aggregation, EMNLP Findings, 2020 [paper]

Recent News!

May ‘23: Joined Epsilon as a Data Science intern.

May ‘23: Our paper on “Optimal Budget Allocation for Crowdsourcing Labels for Graphs” has been accepted at UAI 2023.

May ‘23: Our paper on “Zero-shot Approach to Overcome Perturbation Sensitivity of Prompts” has been accepted at ACL 2023.

Dec ‘23: Awarded Research Excellence Award by Computer Science Department at Iowa State University.

Aug ‘22: Presented our poster “Open-Domain Aspect-Opinion Co-Mining with Double-Layer Span Extraction”, at the SIGKDD, 2022 conference in Washington D.C.

May ‘22: Our paper on “Open-Domain Aspect-Opinion Co-Mining with Double-Layer Span Extraction” has been accepted at SIGKDD 2022.

May ‘22: Joined Epsilon as a PhD intern.

Aug ‘22: Presented our paper “CPTAM: Constituency Parse Tree Aggregation Method”, at the SDM, 2022 conference virtually.

March ‘22: Our paper on “CPTAM: Constituency Parse Tree Aggregation Method” has been accepted at SDM, 2022.

Aug ‘21: Defended my Master’s on .

Dec ‘21: Our paper on “Truth discovery in sequence labels from crowds” has been accepted at ICDM, 2021.

Sep ‘21: Our paper on “OptSLA: an Optimization-Based Approach for Sequential Label Aggregation” has been accepted at EMNLP Findings, 2020.

June ‘21: Awarded Teaching Excellence Award by Computer Science Department at Iowa State University.

Jan ‘20: Joined Ph.D. program at the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University.